

Books, Podcasts & Other Resource

Krissy Pozatek, MSW
The Parallel Process

Anna Lembke, MD
Dopamine Nation

Christina Dent

The Tao of our Understanding
Recovery Podcast

Adult Children of Alcoholics & Dysfunctional Families
ACA Home Page

Clear Child Psychology, Dr. Marcy Willard
Home Page


Madeline Levine, PhD
The Price of Privilege

Krissy Pozatek, MSW
Brave Parenting


Evoke Therapy Podcasts
Evoke Podcast


Al-Anon Find a Meeting
Al-Anon Meeting Link


McGuire Recovery and Counseling (Jacksonville, FL)
Home Page

Dr. Brad Reedy
The Audacity to be You

Dr. Jamie Marich
Trauma and the 12 Steps

HopeStream Podcast
HopeStream Podcast

Co-Dependents Anonymous
CoDA Home Page

C.R.A.F.T. Provider Network (Global)
Helping Families Home Page

A great resource for mental health awareness education is The Newport Academy’s Mental Health Awareness publication. Click this link, The Newport Academy, to sign-up.

Become The Channel - Verse 28, ‘Powerless but Not Helpless’ Buddy C.

Practicing the principles, we learn in recovery will bring us back to the ease of childlike dependency.

Know those who are virtuous but serve the disgraceful and shameful.

In doing so, we can become a channel of grace for the sick and suffering.

The more we surrender, the more we transform, and the more we can be used.